Excuse me very much, but, yep, I know I might've seemed a little absent of late.
I haven't been absent though. Remote maybe, but that's because I've been totally absorbed with Number Three, helping it streak/limp/crash towards its conclusion. Oh, and, amongst other stuff, finishing a couple of paintings.
This time last year, I finished a painting called The Lost Garden (1), by way of a creating a different focus to writing, etc (see that post here). Well, the other day I finished The Lost Garden (3): Up, Into the Singing Mountain.
The second part of the title is taken from Richard Llewellyn's novel, which I read yonks ago, but which more recently put me in mind of a stunning image I photographed from a hotel room in Los Angeles airport in 2009: the distorted reflections of buildings in the J M Eagle building opposite, with aeroplanes taking off and landing a short distance behind. I loved the way the borrowed colours and patterns of the urban landscape seemed to sing and dance up the tiers of glass, and how the tinted glass enhanced the tonal variations in the reflected sky.
Makes a change to chasing words round a page.
910 x 610 mm
acrylic on canvas