
Friday 27 March 2009

A couple of Greek moments

I've noticed that my last two posts at The View From Here have a distinctive Greek flavour to them. Hmm. Interesting. I wonder if there's something I should know.


Peacedream said...

wow, beautiful articles. glad i stopped by. synchronicity...

the greek philosophers now suffer the indignity of having their names assigned to trams on the lines that were hurriedly inaugurated as the carpet was being rolled out for the athens olympics.

diogenes must be laughing his ass off. haven't seen his name on any of them. maybe because they take so long to get anywhere you'll get there faster on foot.

re: the very evocative scene in thessaloniki...

i can offer some comic relief. as a college freshman in athens i had a roomate with whom we had been arguing about whose turn it was to do the dishes. the pile grew in the sink until there were no clean plates left. finally, very upset, i took the entire pile out to the back yard in the middle of the night. picked a wall and started throwing them against it. woke up the entire neighborhood who rushed to their balconies and windows in alarm. my roommate woke up and asked me in a concerned tone what i was doing. i told him it was very therapeutic and he should also try it. we smashed the entire lot, felt much better, bought a new set the next day and always washed our dishes.

but it would be great if a piece of literature turned up about a crazy night in the neighborhood long ago that someone was still trying to figure out!

Paul Burman said...

Enough to make a man live in a barrel!

Love the anecdote about smashing the dinner service. Have often talked about doing this as a quick way of sorting out too many dirty dishes, but never got round to putting the plan into action. Nice one. Did get through a few milk bottles once at the end of a trying day. There's something delightfully cathartic about smashing crockery and glass.