
Sunday 18 October 2009

Book Group

Spent Thursday evening as the guest of a local Book Group, who'd chosen The Snowing and Greening of Thomas Passmore as their October selection. Thanks, folks.

I've been involved with answering the questions of a couple of Book Groups via email in the past, but this was my first 'live' involvement, and what a great night it was: a lot of laughter and a very decent drop of wine - not necessarily in that order. I could get accustomed to that.

While I'm posting, here's a plug for the delightful and witty Mrs T, who, when she's not blogging away at her own site, writes very entertaining pieces for the BBC. Check out her latest contribution to Mum's The Word here.


gary davison said...

Nice one. I hope they were nice with you, Paul! Not too many testing questions. But there again, no one knows more about TSAGTP, than you!

Is there an announcement due for number 2 yet?

Paul Burman said...

They were very kind indeed.

No announcement yet for No.2, but must get on to that side of things soon. Have been preoccupied with other writing, which is a pleasant state to be in.

Swubird said...


Just stopped by to say hello.

Happy trails.

Saph said...

Sound great fun! And I would second that recommendation for Mrs T

Paul Burman said...

Hi there, Swubird. Happy trails to you too.

It was indeed, Mike.

Jane Turley said...

Why thanks for the mention Paul, that's very sweet of you:)

Wine seems to play a big part in my book club meeetings. How curious:))

Paul Burman said...

You're most welcome, Jane.

And cheers! :-)